Monday, 31 December 2012

Mission: Buy more make-up!

Today, i would like to share with you the mischief that 2 & 3 year olds are capable of.. just in case you were wondering ;).

This delightful photo here, shows the masterpiece they created on the bedroom wall.. using my make up! Brilliant isn't it? Notice how the MAC lipstick blends and stains so nicely into the white painted walls?

They also autographed the wall too! 

Everytime i have showed people this picture they have recoiled in horror and told me 'They would be fuming' or 'OMG how will you clean it?!' Well, my friends, the answer is.. i can't clean it! It stains.. :') 

This isn't the first time this has happened, OH NO! Just look what they did to my living room earlier in the year..

And they don't just stop with home decorating either, they're actually make up artists too! Who knew?! 

Take note ladies... i challenge you to find more beautifully applied make up ;)

So yeah, this is actually a light hearted post, although i am gutted i now own barely ANY make up, i'm not angry, i'm just on the hunt for more make up and beauty stuff ;)

And some storage that is child proof haha!


  1. Oh my word. I'd be crying! Haha. If I ever had kids i'm putting my makeup in a locked box :P


    1. Haha good plan!! I usually keep it all high up but they climbed.. eek!

      i WILL be investing in a safe LOL! x

  2. ha. Amazing little buggers. xxx
