Tuesday, 1 January 2013

My New Years Eve post!

Seeing as it's officially 2013 now, I thought I'd do a NYE post!
I wasn't actually planning on doing anything this year, New Years Eve has never felt like a big deal to me, but since I've never had chance to celebrate and have a drink guilt free on NYE before I decided last minute to go to my mums party and enjoy myself!

As my previous post stated (facepalm) I have barely any make up left, and I'm really impressed with myself that I managed to scrape together some bits of make up I don't particularly like/use from the back of my wardrobe and also salvage some of what got destroyed.. and here's what I managed to look like..

I curled my hair with my Remington Pearl Wand that I treated myself to a while ago. I really wanted it after seeing some reviews, but I have only managed to use it once briefly, so I thought NYE would be the perfect excuse!
I didn't do all of my hair because its really thick and long so I just added a few curls and some to the ends and I got a lot of compliments!

The dress was something I bought in a last minute panic for a friends birthday a couple of months ago, I have only worn it once and I love it! It was only about £12 off an eBay seller and is really flattering and good quality! 
I teamed it with my new (almost) 8 inch heel boot I got for Christmas and I am in love with them! (also off an eBay seller)

So yeah, thats what I managed to throw together in about 40 mins haha! Sorry for the rubbish photos, the lighting was terrible.
What did you all wear for your celebrations?


  1. Love the dress! Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you! Happy new year to you too xxx

  2. Gorgeous dress :) your hair and makeup looks great too,i'd still be in mourning over the makeup loss! Haha. I'm slightly obsessed with my collection though :P


    1. Haha i am mourning, im just trying to hide it ;) though it gives me an excuse to buy more mwahaha!!

      Thank you xxxx

  3. I love that dress!!


